My most recent research project is focused on the MMORPG Everquest 2, hence I have begun playing the game. If I'm going analyze data from the game, I should know the game well. This seems to be a fairly standard practice for most scientific endeavors. However, I realized yesterday that if I really want to understand the players of the game, I need to experience it as real players do. Unfortunately, according to some research and popular press, many of these real players are addicted to playing. So, I have made a conscious decision become addicted to Everquest 2.
I told my fiancee about this decision and she understood my motivation, but seemed a little concerned about my ability to cut myself off at the end of the research project. She is certainly justified in her concern. As an undergrad, I would often come home from a night of partying and play Counterstrike until the sunrise. Scratch that. Sometimes I would skip a night of partying to stay home and play Counterstrike until the sunrise. Luckily, as an undergrad I could afford to sleep through half of my classes. I have a feeling that my professors these days would not be so forgiving. But perhaps they will understand that I am just very dedicated to my research. Fat chance.
The downward spiral has already begun. Last night after working on a paper I had planned to play EQ2 before I went to sleep. Unfortunately, after finishing my work I realized that EQ2 had 2 hours of updates to download. So, I hit the hay, woke up at 3am and played until 5am. Is that normal?